Embarkation day is always exciting! But it can be chaotic too. Every day of your cruise is valuable – you really don’t want to waste a minute let alone a day.
Here are 5 secrets to help you make the most of your first day onboard.
1. Take a backpack.
Fill a cabin bagwith the essentials that you may need for your first afternoon such as a windbreaker, swimming togs, a book, and toiletries. Occasionally suitcases aren’t delivered to your cabin until after you set sail. So Be Prepared – if it’s hot you can go for a swim, or if it’s cooler you can comfortably be up topside for the fun sail away party.
2. Nab the best guidebook from the library.
There’s a saying that after boarding… First time cruisers hit the buffet – while Experienced cruisers hit the library.
3. Get Lost!
Spend the afternoon exploring. Don’t be shy, poke your nose into the spa and the gym, the library, and all the lounges, bars, and restaurants. There’s nothing more disappointing than discovering a cool little bar on the last day of your cruise!
4. Make friends with the staff.
Ask the crew for their advice, and you may find out some valuable tips like the best seats in the theatre, or the least busy self-service laundry. If things go wrong anywhere on the ship – you might find your cabin steward is better at getting a problem solved than the front desk staff.
5. Book in reservations.
Get in quick and book for seminars, exercise classes and hair and spa appointments. Numbers at classes are often capped, and hair appointments and spa treatments are hard to get on any of the “Sea Days”.
And here’s a bonus tip on what to do on Day One of your cruise…
6. Create a noticeboard in your cabin with Magnets.
The walls in your cabin are steel take some cute fridge magnets to stick important notices or invitations to a wall so you don’t miss anything exciting.
Our team of Cruise Champions have been there and done that – before you. We have a ton of advice that can easily turn a good holiday into a truly outstanding one. So, if you are looking for a stress-free holiday experience, don’t delay, call our friendly Cruise Champions now on 0800 66 55 33.